How do I find out what kernel version I am currently running under Debian Linux or any other Linux distribution using a shell prompt? How do I find out Unix kernel version?

You need to use the uname command which print certain system information such as:

  1. Kernel version and name.
  2. Print the machine hardware name.
  3. print the processor type.
  4. print the operating system and more.

uname command to display the Linux or Unix kernel version

This command works under all Linux distributions and other UNIX-like operating systems such as FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, HP UX, OS X and friends. Type the following command to see running kernel version:

$ uname -r

Output taken from Linux based system:



  • 2 : Kernel version
  • 6 : The major revision of the kernel
  • 22 : The minor revision of the kernel
-a, --all                print all information
-s, --kernel-name        print the kernel name
-n, --nodename           print the network node hostname
-r, --kernel-release     print the kernel release
-v, --kernel-version     print the kernel version
-m, --machine            print the machine hardware name
-p, --processor          print the processor type or "unknown"
-i, --hardware-platform  print the hardware platform or "unknown"
-o, --operating-system   print the operating system
--help                   display this help and exit
--version                output version information and exit

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